IETE Student Forum GVPCE(A) has conducted a Inter-college “Hardware Expo” .A total of 248 students from various colleges have participated in the “Hardware Expo” and have showcased their projects.
A Hand-on workshop is to introduce 3D printer to the students and to provide neat understanding process and its design services.
The event focused on
In College Hardware Expo for the Students and the event served as the platform for students to exhibit their creativity and apply theoretical knowledge.
The event focused on
A Hand-on workshop is to introduce GIT and GIT HUB to the students and to provide use and benefits of this platform with a very interactive session.
The event focused on
1. Why you need to learn git?
2. Learn GIT version control system
3. Discussion on GITHUB
Industrial visit to BSNL to the Students and Students gained practical insights into BSNL’s telecommunication infrastructure
The Visit focused on
Mastering C++ Data Structures to the Students and Hands-on learning for efficient programming
The event focused on
Basics of IOT Workshop for the Students and the event served as the platform for students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of IoT.
The event focused on
introduction to Custom IC design to the Students and one-one interaction with the speaker
The event focused on
Career Compass An Exclusive Guide to the Student Career and lecture covered career reasons, success strategies, and practical advice.
The event focused on
5G usage scenarios event on Engineers day.
The event focused on
1. potential and transformative capabilities of 5G technology
2. insights into how 5G is revolutionizing
3. discussion on 2G to 5G technology various sectors
TALK 1: Kshemin interactive IoT session
TALK 2: Deploying AI Models on Kshemin Edge Computing Device
A One day hands-on workshop organized on 22nd July. This workshop aims to introduce you to the world of ESP8266 programming. Through hands-on activities, you'll discover how to program Esp8266 boards effectively and transfer live sensor data to Iot Cloud platform
A one day National level Tech Fest organized on 3rd march 2023. Over 400 students from various colleges are participated in different technical and non technical events .
IETE Student Forum GVPCE(A) has conducted a Inter-college “Hardware Expo” .A total of 219 students from various colleges have participated in the “Hardware Expo” and have showcased their projects.
A one day "IoT Projects Expo" is organized by IETE Student Forum GVPCE(A) encouraging students to exhibit their innovative and application oriented models based on IoT Technologies
From October 22nd to November 10th, 2022, a comprehensive ten-day interactive workshop was conducted. During this workshop, students were immersed in the realm of IoT through practical experience and real-world applications.
1.Overview Of Physical Layer Technologies in 5G and
Focus briefly on Massive MIMO
2.Overview Of Potential Future Wireless Technologies for 6G and Focus Briefly On cell-free Massive MIMO
3.Future Prospects as an EC Graduate
A two day hands-on workshop organized on 27th August and 3rd September 2022 . This workshop aims to introduce you to the world of Arduino programming. Through hands-on activities, you'll discover how to program Arduino boards effectively and build a home automation project
Topics covered
1.How to prepare for GATE
2.Opportunities after GATE
3.Interview Experience
4.Role of an Engineer at ISRO
· Engineering as career
· Some reasons for joining engineering
· Success formula
· How to get started with your career
· Which job to take?
· Your first job
· Resources for building your career
· Getting ahead in your career
· Technical leadership
· Dealing with failures
Topics covered:
* To test how efficient our code is in terms of Time and Space Complexity
* To test our code with multiple test cases with code judge
*To become familiarized with the actual coding interface.
*To actively participate in coding contests
*To practice programs in an organized way
*To have perspective over different approaches to a problem.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an overview on EDA tools for VLSI design to the participants. The workshop will comprise of live demonstration of tools and lectures delivered by design engineers on Cadence platform
A five day hands-on workshop organized from 18th-22nd April 2022 .This workshop aims to teach core concepts in VLSI and impart hands on training of digital IC design.
Conducted a Quiz competition(Quizz Buzz) related to trending topics and coding on 31st March 2022.
A 36 hours hands-on workshop organized from 17th January 2022 to 3rd February 2022 on Machine Learning Using Python.
A Webinar on NSTL-TECHNOLOGIES Organized by IETE Student Forum(ISF) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College Of Engineering (Autonomous) on 30th December 2021.
A Webinar on Embedded System for Underwater Applications Organized by IETE Student Forum(ISF) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College Of Engineering (Autonomous) on 13th December 2021.
A three day hands-on workshop organized from 5th to 7th November 2021 on Machine Learning using MATLAB.
Real time implementation of text recognition using machine learning in MATLAB.
A Webinar on ANTENNA Design using HFSS Organized by IETE Student Forum(ISF) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College Of Engineering (Autonomous) on 8th August 2021.
Yantralaya , a design contest is conducted on 20th February 2016 under IETE where Students presented their Hardware Models
Esayoga 15 inauguration with 350 Participants from other colleges and our students Organized this Event on March 18th , 2015 and 19th March ,2015.
GVP Carnival representing the events and achievements of the ISF core teams that are organized by our college in the year 2023.